If I ever become "the leprechaun":
I will carry sneezing powder with me at all times (or do I have this confused with another movie?).
If I ever become a witch (Hallowe'en variety, not a Wiccan):
1.) I shall get those unsightly warts removed through the miracle of plastic surgery.
2.) I will get rid of my cauldron and upgrade to a stainless steel cookpot in my ktchen.
3.) I will take public speaking courses to get rid of that annoying cackle.
4.) I will refuse to keep company with gypsies, native americans, and anyone else who might try to stick a nail through my footprint.
5.) I will limit my broomstick use to cloudy, foggy evenings when no one is likely to see me.
6.) My familiar will assume the form of something sweet and innocent: a miniature poodle, beagle, or hamster.
7.) I will make a careful inventory of the things available at my local Whole Foods store, so that I need not hang around occult shops (let alone end up scrounging in the woods at night - brr!) to get that special ingredient.
8.) I will not rely on candles when summoning supernatural beings which may appear in a rush of wind. Electric light works just as well and does not constitute a fire hazard. Nor does it go out at the least little puff of wind. I will also eschew incense; plug-in air fresheners will do fine.
9.) Likewise, rather than a ten pound grimoire for my spells, I will carefully compile all my notes into a Word document, which I can then copy onto my palm pilot.
10.) Any pentagrams, altars, sacrificial livestock, bloody knives, unwilling victims, etc. will be kept in my basement, attic, or other out-of-the-way place, which will then be locked with a stout padlock.
11.) Should an angry lynch mob appear on my doorstep in spite of these precautions, I will not threaten to lay a horrible curse on them, nor will I zoom away into the night on my broomstick. I will call the police, and shoot anyone who steps onto my property.
12.) If someone
really deserves to be cursed, and I simply cannot resist, I will
not call down a horrible fate of obvious supernatural origins. That means no wasting away, no unknown new diseases, no instantly withered limbs. I will limit my curses to those which cause automobile accidents, plane crashes, violent muggings, and IRS audits.
What's next? If I ever become a ghost?