Saturday, May 26, 2001

Oh, come now, Cat. How could we not like it? It was great. :)
(I'm trying to remember to check this every day.)

Sid (who needs a really good but stupid vampire joke.)

Friday, May 25, 2001

Wow. Glad you guys liked it.

This seems to be a pretty busy time for everybody. {g} I'm hoping it'll settle out in another couple of weeks so we can wind up the current storyline.


Thursday, May 24, 2001

Hey Sticks, I resemble that remark.
Tarin's story is wonderful Cat! I sometimes wish I could coax words into doing what I want them to like that.
This is an extremely busy time for me right now, but things should mellow out soon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Oh, and it's a great story, as well...


Monday, May 21, 2001

Well, as far as Bordertown goes, I recently finished a bit of fanfic (which is up at under the entry for Tarin) plus, the longer, more complete version of Ronin's story is up there too. There isn't too much artwork, but Mouse has a really interesting character sketch...

The Mailing list is still running, though there are a number of people who are absent or lurking due to hectic real-life stuff. And, of course, we're just closing a school year, which is always a quiet time for Btown stuff.

I'm really pleased to see people actually using this board, too!
