Saturday, February 24, 2001

Yay! I'm in! Hi, everyone!
Wow! We have people. Okay, cool. What now? Well, say hello, look around, talk. Have some tea! We *could* move the roleplaying bits over here, but I'm still waiting on people and I kinda want to see how this works out before I do anything like that.


Friday, February 23, 2001

Hrmph. It looks like all I've managed to get is descending order within a given day. I looked around, and I don't see any way to make the order of *days* descend as well, so I guess we're stuck with it. I'd do it the other way around, but I just hate reading bottom to top...

Perfectionist? Me? Never!
Sticks, click on the team button, then click on your name to see your profile. You should be able to edit from there.
Of course! Peppermint sprigs and fresh cinammon for anyone who wishes to add them to their tea. There's even semi-fresh border-coffee for the philistines... {g}


Thursday, February 22, 2001

Hi Cat, please don't get up, I'll get my own tea. Do you have peppermint?
Quick note: (Yes, we're pretty much learning as we go.) Once you have your post the way you want it, click on "Post & Publish," not just "Post." Otherwise it shows up here but not out on

Okay, welcome to Daddy Warbucks, the (hopefully) replacement board for Annie. Sorry for deleting all the test posts, I was trying to get the messages into descending (rather than ascending) order. It seems to be doing what I want it to do now. {g} Bordertech, yeesh!

Anyhow, welcome back. Come in, have some tea, make yourselves at home!
